Flu Treatment at Home

If you’re sick with the flu, there are plenty of options to treat yourself or your loved ones at home. While you do need to be cautious about potential complications, and we always recommend confirming a flu diagnosis with a diagnostic test, there are some easy ways to feel better:

  • Rest
  • Hydratation
  • Sleep
  • Fuel your body with nutritious foods (or whatever you’re craving!)
  • Connect with a healthcare provider it can be helpful to know for sure that flu, and not another virus, is what’s making you sick. A proper diagnosis can help to ensure you get the right treatment and that you get better, sooner!
  • Take any medications that are prescribed – flu can be serious, and the best way to prevent the flu from becoming more complicated is to connect with a healthcare provider, who may prescribe antiviral medications. These can be taken at home and reduce the risk of complications such as ear infections in children, respiratory complications requiring antibiotics, and hospitalization in adults.
  • Know the warning signs – review this list of emergency warning signs for children and adults. Prepare yourself to know what you need to be on alert for in case things get worse!


Posted on 09/2022