
The Drapeau Family

Amiah Drapeau

Amiah was just 4-years-old when she died from the influenza B virus. 

FFF Advocate

Bethany Drapeau (mother)

Date of Death

April 27, 2017

Place of Residence

Wagner, SD

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Amiah’s Flu Illness
On Easter Sunday of 2017, Amiah and her three sisters celebrated with an Easter egg hunt at her aunt’s house in Lake Andes, SD. This was Amiah’s favorite holiday and she was very excited that she was the one to find the golden egg! That evening she traveled back home to Brookings, SD. 

The next day Amiah began feeling sick and developed a fever. Her mother, Bethany took her to the ER right away, but they were sent home when doctors explained that she was likely had a viral infection. She tested positive for influenza B. 

Nine Days Sick With The Flu 
She spent the next few days laying or sitting on the couch while her sisters were playing. After being sick for nine days, she returned to the ER for the fourth time because Amiah was not able to hold water down.  

Amiah’s Death
At the hospital, the doctors tested her blood and realized that her illness was now affecting her kidneys. She was flown to a larger hospital in Sioux Falls and died just 12 hours later. Amiah had pneumonia and developed sepsis, brought on by the influenza B virus, that killed her.

Amiah Could Still Be Here If She Had Been Vaccinated
Unfortunately, Amiah did not get a flu vaccine and that is something that her mother will question for the rest of her life. What if she had gotten the flu shot? Would Amiah still be here?  

Amiah’s mother has since learned that when a child receives a flu vaccination, it significantly reduces their chance of hospitalization and death. She now makes a point to vaccinate herself and her other children against the flu each year.

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