Mission: To save lives and reduce hospitalizations by protecting children, families, and communities against influenza.
Insights on Influenza
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Spot the Fake: Identifying and Comparing Good vs Bad Articles

July 11, 2024 - The internet is flooded with information, but not all of it is reliable. In a world where anyone can post an article online or doctor photos to push a false narrative, it is increasingly more difficult to distinguish between trustworthy information and misinformation.  Credible sources are the key to being able to make informed decisions, […]

When Are You No Longer Contagious With the Flu?

January 17, 2024 - With at least 14 million illnesses estimated so far this flu season, the chances that you or someone you know has contracted the flu this winter are high. The prevalent respiratory illness tends to make its presence felt during colder months. While it may feel unavoidable, understanding when you are no longer contagious with the […]
Resolve to keep your family healthy in 2024 with a flu shot.

Resolve to Keep Your Family Healthy with a Flu Shot

Resolve to keep your family healthy in 2024 with a flu shot.
January 3, 2024 - Now that the holiday festivities are over it might seem like everyone around you is sick. You’re not imagining things. Peak flu season is here, and, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu positives, outpatient respiratory illness, and flu hospitalizations are all up, too. Whether you’ve entered the new year […]

Survivor’s Story: Christa Mitchell

January 2, 2024 - Christa Mitchell was a healthy, vibrant, dedicated wife and mother who was actively engaged in her full-time job and her son’s school and sports activities when she found herself in an unexpected health crisis—the holiday season had brought flu into her family. As her symptoms escalated, she became acutely aware of the gravity of her […]
Prevent winter flu with these tips.

7 Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy this Winter

Prevent winter flu with these tips.
December 20, 2023 - Winter is here to stay for a while and with it comes peak flu season. As we start the new year there is no better time than now to prioritize your family’s health and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven practical tips to help you keep your family healthy and protected from respiratory […]

Survivors’ Stories: Keep Holiday Flu Prevention Top of Mind This Season

December 12, 2023 - The holiday season is in full swing. As we gather with friends and family for festive gatherings and cherished traditions, the last thing on your mind may be getting a flu shot. Yet, amidst the laughter and festivities, making sure your family is vaccinated against the flu is an essential item to check off your […]

It’s National Influenza Vaccination Week!

November 30, 2023 - As we embrace the holiday season, prioritizing the health and well-being of ourselves and our loved ones often takes a back burner to decking the halls and participating in joy and merriment.  In the spirit of safeguarding against the flu this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched its annual timely […]

Flu Essentials: Navigating the Influenza Season with Confidence Part I

November 22, 2023 - Our partners at Roche discuss the benefits of the flu vaccine and timely testing to preventing the spread of influenza. The simultaneous occurrence of flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) last year, often referred to as the tripledemic, has left many of us concerned about what to expect in the upcoming respiratory virus season. […]

Going Home for the Holidays? Flu Prevention is Key to Ensure Your Family is Protected

November 21, 2023 - The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. We’re all preparing to gather with our loved ones and the last thing anyone wants is to deal with getting sick. That’s where prevention can become the key to ensuring your family’s safety and well-being.  At Families Fighting Flu, our mission is to educate […]

When to Bring Your Child Into the Emergency Room for Flu

November 14, 2023 - Flu season can be a challenging time for parents. While flu viruses are fairly common, it can take a severe turn in children. Knowing when to bring your child to the emergency room for the flu can make a difference between recovery and death.  At Families Fighting Flu, our mission is to educate families about […]

Survivor Family Story: Katie Miller

November 13, 2023 - Katie Miller was only 9 years old when she almost lost her younger sister, Caroline, to the flu. She recalls getting a call from her mother at middle school at the time telling her to pack a bag to go visit her sister at the hospital where she was expected to pass away. Although her […]
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